25 things i want my son to know

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I am writing this post for my son.  He is only three years-old, but he is growing so fast.  Much of what I wrote to my daughter in the 25 Things I want My Daughter to Know post also applies to him.  I wish them both the innocence of their childhood, the ability to laugh at themselves, a spiritual connection with God, and the desire to see the world.  That being said, here goes:

1. When I look at you I see my heart.

I never imagined I had this much love to give until I had a baby.  I never thought I could possibly have any more to give until I had you. You have taught me that my heart and my capacity to love is not fixed, it grows and grows and grows.

2. It’s okay to let go of your penis.  It’s not going anywhere.

Since we finished potty training in our house, I’ve noticed that you hold your penis constantly.  I just want you to know that it will be there forever and you have your whole life ahead of you to play with it.

3. I will be happy to buy you a pink ball, a pink balloon, or a pink toothbrush if you so choose.

I understand that through your eyes the color pink is just that, a color.  It really makes no difference to you – and therefore should make no difference to me whether you want to wear a pink superhero cape or wings.

4. Your nose is NOT an appropriate place for the following items: crayons, beads, marbles, cheerios, pasta, peas, carrots, french fries, legos, q-tips, or your finger. Period.

5. Play. Draw. Paint. Create.

Creating art should be a constant in your life.  It lends great insight to an ever-moving journey and encourages individuality and expression.  If you’re doing it right – I expect to see fingerprints on walls, paint on floors, mud on the carpet and even in your hair.  Go ahead, experiment!

6. On the other hand, there are rules that need to obeyed when you are in a home.  You need to respect others and their possessions.  I know boys will be boys, but this is not at all what I have in mind when it comes to creating art or playful fun.  In fact, this is a lesson in doing it all WRONG!  I would not be happy.

I would be so pissed.

~Although, it’s kinda hard not to smile.~

7. Take your time summoning your inner genius.

There is a competitiveness that seems to have taken hold of every elementary school and playground in America.  The pressure to learn more – faster, quicker, better than your peers.  Never mind that mumbo jumbo.  Learning takes time and everyone does it differently.

8. Explore the outdoors.

Get outside as much as possible.  Breathe the fresh air.  Play tag.  Ride bikes.  Skip.  Hop.  Jump.  Run.  Climb.  NOW.

9. Accept others for who they are.

In an age where bullying has taken precedence amongst our youth, I hope I have taught you to see the value in differences.  Preps, Emo, Punk, Popular, Nerds, Drama, Jocks – bottom line: It doesn’t matter.  Power lies in friendship.

10. Always keep moving forward.

There will be times in your life when you feel stuck.  It’s up to YOU to decide where you’ll go.  Keep on trekking.  Go, go, go kid.  You’ll move mountains.

Oh the Places You’ll Go!

11. You are Superman.

To me – you really do have superhuman strength and speed, the ability to defy the laws of gravity, and immunity to almost all forms of harm.  How else would you be able to move the desk into the hallway, climb on top of it, “fly” off it – smack right into the wall and get up and walk away unscathed?  Answer: You are Superman.  Case closed.

12. Love letters are legacies.

In such a fast-paced world, we often overlook the simplest yet sweetest gestures in regards to love.  A love letter written from the heart is a welcome treasure amidst the sea of endless emails and texts that consume us daily.  They are refreshing, candid, and romantic.  Ask your father to teach you, he’s a pro.

13. It’s okay to cry.

Crying is a natural emotional response to feelings.  We all do it.  Men cry.  Women cry.  Children cry.

14. Always be proud of who YOU are.

You may not be the quarterback of the football team, the homecoming king, or the lead singer in the band – but really now, who cares? As long as you stay true to who you are, everything else will fall into place.  Checkmate.

15. No respectable girl wants to see your penis.

Since you will be growing up in the technological age of iPhone and texting, you’ll inevitably come to learn the term “sexting.”  Let me tell you now that sexting is a big, big, BIG mistake.  Never ever, ever, ever, ever send a picture of a private body part to anyone.  Ever.

16. I hope I teach you well enough from a young age how to properly put on pants. One leg in, then the other, pull ’em up at least to your hips, zip, button, buckle. Done.

17. Think before you ink.

Tattoos are permanent. I can personally name two of your male relatives who wake up every single day with the pink panther and the tasmanian devil following them wherever they go. Little secret – mommy has a damn turtle she can’t seem to shake.

18. Be an apprentice.

Before you leave for college, you must acquire some skill at performing the following tasks: laundry (separating, washing, drying, folding), making the beds, dusting, washing the floor, cooking, cleaning the toilets, grocery shopping for the week, vacuuming, emptying the dishwasher, sweeping the floor, cleaning the bedroom, watering the plants, feeding the pet.  Your future wife will thank me.

19. Be a responsible traveler.

I have no problem with you hitting the open road and taking the old Volvo on a cross country adventure.  In fact, I will applaud your independence and desire to see the country from sea to shining sea – but please don’t make me have to book a 3:00am flight to God knows where to visit you in the hospital.

20. Find your passion.

Keep looking and searching.  Never stop.

21. You will be my son forever.

There is an old adage that starts, “A son is a son till he takes a wife…” As you grow, I pray our bond stays strong enough to break any truth this saying might hold.

22. Love your Mother Earth.

Recycle, reduce, reuse.  Going green isn’t just a trend, it’s a way of life we should all be adopting.  You need to be aware of how you live, shop, and consume.  An eco-friendly lifestyle will positively impact your health, your community, and your world.  Got that?  Now go hug a tree.

23. Be a brother.  Be a friend.  Be a protector.

24. Take the road less traveled.

May you always try to make the right choices, not the easiest ones.  Have the courage to lead, not follow.  And to dream bigger than most others think is possible.

25. Wherever you are in life, you can come home.  I will be here – always.

♥ mommy

Thanks for reading.  Please be sure to LIKE Mommy Om on Facebook and join our parenting community.

Click here to read the list for my daughter.

***New*** Check out the wall print of the list here.


217 responses to “25 things i want my son to know”

  1. Love this….

    1. Thank you.

      1. Hi Lisa,

        Permission to re-post on my blog (www.dadsdailydiscourse.com) with full credit to you?


      2. Sure, Craig! Thanks! Lisa

    2. You just put my thoughts into words for me… thank you!

    3. Thank you. . . this is awesome and so true. . . i also have a three year old named Mason and I never knew I had this much love to give. . . I thank God for that little boy every single day=) God bless

      1. I just came across your blog, I don’t even know how, but, oh my, I’ve enjoyed my time here! Definitely a new fan! Thanks for being here & for putting yourself out ‘there.’ 🙂

    4. That was amazing!! I have a 3 year old and it was all sooo true!! Luv it!!

    5. Thank you!!! This is amazing and so very true!

    6. jessica titus Avatar

      ahhh! this just brought tears to my eyes and many giggles at the same time! thanks for posting!

    7. This says it all — would love for my three grown sons to read this…..

    8. Such wonderful thoughts. I have three boys, and want each of them to know how special they are. I am going to post this to my blog so more people can view it!

    9. Shatanta Ross-Carter Avatar
      Shatanta Ross-Carter

      Love. Love. Love.!

    10. I thought of 2 more I want my son to know… it’s okay to have close friends that are girls without it being more than just friends. AND always tell the truth because women will eventually find out.

      1. So great! There is probably a list of 100 things I want my kids to know! I should just keep adding! Every day I think of another one! Thanks!

    11. My 4 year old son & I had a horrible fight this morning & this was just what I needed to hear today. It means more to me then you will ever know!! Thank you!

    12. I could go on and on forever, of how incredible both to “my son and daughter are”. Extremely well written, and I sent it to all three of my children. I could not have said it better myself.

  2. […] post. Please be sure to LIKE my Mommy Om Facebook page and share this post with your friends! Click here to read the list for my son. Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:Like6 bloggers like this […]

  3. http://kameturtle.blogspot.com/ Avatar

    You had me at turtle, and I wondered if your tat is of the ninja variety. 🙂

    Love these, and am sharing the links with my kids, Jessica, 15 and Arek, 12. I don’t know where the time went… it flies by so fast and all of a sudden you’re three years away from college and she thinks everything you do and say is wrong, and he’s homeschooling because the public schools want to put him on drugs that could alter his health forever… and life just keeps rolling along, doesn’t it?

    The foundations are strong, and although I know there are still more tough times ahead… I also know they are still the amazing, brilliant, funny kids they were at 3 and 5, and the future is bright.

    Thanks for awesome blog entries. It’s been a rough week and the reminder is so appreciated.


    1. Thanks so much! No, not ninja turtle. God help me. I went generic. Ha! Ha!

  4. I love this. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us who blog. I would love to place your link on my blog (if i can figure out how, I’m not very computer savy) and share this with my readers. May I ???

    1. Absolutely! Thank you. Your cakes are beautiful!

  5. Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing

  6. Oops….:)

  7. You are amazing. Where did you get your parenting zen, and where can I get some? Really though, I admire you.

    1. It’s in you!! Thanks so much!

  8. I loved this list!! Thank you so much for sharing!

  9. This made me cry. Well said.

  10. I have a two-year-old son, and I love this. I love it. I love it. I love it.
    My favorite one: Take your time summoning your inner genius. With all of the pressure to outperform the next kid, this is wisdom indeed.

  11. Carrie Sellers Avatar
    Carrie Sellers

    The part about him being your son until he gets married made me cry… Thanks for sharing.

  12. tabithabrown Avatar

    i am a mom of 5 boys and i couldnt have said this any better. awesome!! made me laugh and cry!! great job!!

  13. Good one 🙂 I like it though I don’t have a son (Too young for that :)) , more than that I am a son 🙂

  14. very nice… i love it….

  15. That was well said!

  16. This is so beautiful…. :} Thank You for sharing

  17. JessicaNugent Avatar

    This made me laugh cry and dfinatly made me think how fast my 3 yr old is growing too. You have put on paper what i have always thought. You are fantastic. Thank You so Much!

  18. I feel thankful that I found your blog. This post is so amazing it almost pushed me to tears. I just want you to know I’ll be reblogging this for my son too. Thank you for the inspiration. Your entire blog inspired me to document my son’s every move and every day – because they will be my treasure. May God bless you always, you are such a lovely being.

  19. Reblogged this on The Citizen of Heaven and commented:
    Son. Read this. Big time.

  20. Just priceless…thanks for sharing these beautiful words! I intend to share this with my son one day when he’s a bit older (he’s 3)…makes me get all choked up 🙂

  21. Hannah @ Eat, Drink and Save Money Avatar
    Hannah @ Eat, Drink and Save Money

    Beautiful! I love the part about love letters. I have no kids yet, but I hope to one day. I can only hope to write something like this one day!

  22. Stumbled upon this today, it’s precious and I hope your son treasures it when he’s older.

  23. I really enjoyed reading your post very sweet and good advice. The pictures went well also, made me smile several times. Thanks.

  24. All very good words of wisdom I think we can all take to heart 🙂

  25. Such a beautiful post! I will definitely share!!!

  26. So beautiful <3

  27. Reblogged this on mylifeisanovel and commented:
    A beautiful post that must be shared <3 😀

  28. this made me cry.. what a beautiful letter to ANY child! You are one hell of a mother and he is VERY lucky to have you! I’m sure he’s going to grow into a compassionate person, a true gentleman, creative soul and a man who will follow he’s heart and passion.. wherever it may lead him. Bravo! I wish every mother had this kind of courage.. to let their child be themselves instead of living through them..

    love & light to you and your family.


    1. ps – this made me cry .. and laugh!

    2. Thank you ♥

  29. You have put into words everything I would ever want to say but couldnt find the words. This brought a tear to my eye .. from laughter and complete love for my two sons who I hope know how much there mommy loves them !!:)

  30. This is so sweet. Inspiring me to do the same for my two daughters (ages 2 and 1). Thanks!

  31. Really cute! Thanks for the smiles!

  32. great post but i don’t like married life .

  33. I am not a mother, but if I ever become one I will have to link them to your post. Number 10 I am actually use myself.

    Thank you 🙂

  34. Nice list. But I argue that #15 is unfair. There are respectable girls who would like to see a penis, but I agree sexting or any online sexual exhibitionism is a bad idea.

    1. definately agree. It is not the 1950’s. It is not ‘wrong’ for a girl to want to see a penis, for gods sake, how on earth would we reproduce?? It is wrong to teach boys that girls who like penises are bad.

      1. Yep…that’s the one I want to comment on…absolutely on the sexting business…but one day a respectable girl will want to see your penis…because it’s attached to you and she loves you…and you should hang on to her!

      2. True!

  35. I love your words of wisdom, Lisa!
    I teach both Parent Education and Lifelong Learning (classes for senior adults).
    May I share with my students?

    1. Absolutely. Thanks!

  36. I have a son who just turned 1 and in the mornings I get him up and we rock in the recliner for about 20 minutes. He just lays on my chest and we enjoy quiet time together. It is the only time now since he is older, that he will sit still for more than 10 seconds at a time. I always tell him, he has no idea how much I love him and he will always be my son.

    Thank you for writing this, it is so true and so sweet.

  37. One of the best poems I’ve read in a long time.

  38. I love the baby powder everywhere pic! My little brother and I did that when my mom was running a day care in our home…I was about 4 and my brother 2…the baby we were with was doused and my mom had to apologize to the baby’s mama when pick up came around!!! Oh boy!

  39. […] out her full post along with all the pics that go with each line. She also has one for sons. It is so eloquently written and so […]

  40. Beautiful writing. Love the one about the pants – my personal grip with today’s fashion!

  41. Great read…very cute! Wonderful Job.

  42. Laughed so hard at the let go of your Penis one, I am the mother of an almost 3 yr old boy and omg, trying to toilet train him right now I have to sit in the bathroom listening to him talk about his penis again and again lol. Very good.

  43. […] It’s called “25 Things I Want My Son To Know.” […]

  44. That was amazing, I have 3 boys and will read it to all of them.

  45. I cried, laughed, and sighed… Thank you b/c tonight as I put my son to bed, I’ll think of all these things and be grateful for the moment

  46. THANK YOU!!!! For being a voice and a WEALTH of knowledge in the things that interest and concern me! Like many others I’m sure, I find the lack of resource and discretion to weed through it all to get the real facts overwhelming!!!

    Thank you for being an inspiration and encouragement to us Mama’s trying to make healthy, natural and wholesome choices for our treasures!!!! I feel empowered and adequate after reading many of these posts. “Well-meaning” family and friends cannot argue with these FACTS!!!

    God bless you.

  47. Ruth Cecylia Mj Avatar
    Ruth Cecylia Mj

    I love this I also have a three years old son his name is Hyme… I will apply all these tips. Thanks for sharing!!!

  48. All I read is love of one parent for her son.

  49. Fantastic post!

    “Your nose is NOT an appropriate place for the following items… your finger”
    This is debatable 😉

    1. You’re right :0)

  50. thank you my boys are now men, but these are still true to me

  51. Well said!! Very funny!! And heart warming!! Printing for my fridge thank you!!

  52. Such a sweet post. #11 especially reminds me of my son. 🙂

  53. THAT was amazing! Just sayin’…

  54. Lovely, thanks for adding pics to your words. Makes it so powerful!

  55. I have to say this was one of the most well written bunch of advice not only for a boy but for us all. I loved every word! This is a work of genius.

  56. One word 🙂 Beautiful!

  57. Love your post about 25 things! Trying to like ur Facebook page but search didn’t find mommy om. Am I not searching correctly?

  58. Amazing. I would have loved to see my parent’s write something like this for me when I was a child. It will mean a lot to him when he’s older and reads it. Very creative. Many different points gave me the goosbumps…great job!

  59. I am full of tears and laughter at this post. So beautifully expressed. My eldest son left for college, and his younger brother is in high school.
    I would add two to your list.
    * Apologize first.
    * Be careful when answering the question, “Do these pants (fill in the blank) make my ass look big?” You can’t get out of this one. Learn not to take it personally.

    1. Great additions! We could probably write a list of 100 things!

  60. I love this! I was smiling the whole way thru.
    Found this by browsing thru Pinterest someone had pinned your link and I’m so glad I came here. I’m a new fan!

    I just re-started to blog and had to add your link to my page. :0)

    1. Thanks! I will visit you too!

  61. I like a lot in specially: find your passion, love your mother earth and take the road less traveled.
    If I have a child I would like to write something like that!!!

  62. Thank you for writing this.

  63. That’s very good.

  64. I especially love #18….ALL men should know how to do all of those things. You sound like an amazing women who is raising beautiful children. I don’t have any kids but I was raised this way and I intend on raising my children the same. In a world where parents want to be “Best Friends” with their children it’s refreshing to see a parent being a parent. You are teaching your kids lessons they will take with them for the rest of their lives. I cried and laughed through the whole thing…beautifully written.

  65. Thank you for writing this. It made me laugh and it made me cry (happy tears of course!). I have 3 small sons myself who I am teaching to be a brother, a protector and a friend. It touched my heart!

  66. WOW! This is amazing! I have three sons and everyone of these things are so true! Thank you for sharing! I also shared this on my FB wall. 🙂

  67. Thank you for this! It really put a smile on my face. This is all I want my son to be! Thanks again for sharing 🙂

  68. Thank you for posting this! This is an awesome series for both sons and daughters! My daughter is the oldest (7) and then I have two boys (4 & 1)! I am going to try to make sure that they each know all of these points! You have put almost all the things that I want them to know and think about in one place! Thank you again!

  69. I have a 4 year old boy, I so needed to read this. Thank you.

  70. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful……and from the sounds of it, we have very similar thoughts on things!

  71. Thank you for this .Best Friends with their children it’s refreshing to see a parent being a parent.

  72. Thank you for sharing! I have a 3 yr old too and I thank God everyday for my darling boy…God bless:-)

  73. Beautiful, wise and funny. All so true. Thanks –

  74. My son is a teenager becoming a man. So true when he was little and what I hope for his future. Amazing and sweet. Thank you

  75. I have 3 little men, you just bought tears to my eyes & a smile to my face, beautiful 🙂

  76. This post was so wonderful. I was laughing and I also had tears in my eyes. I love what you wrote. EVERYTHING!!!

  77. Loved this! I have 3 boys and wrote an article about what boys need from mothers if you are interested in reading I posted it here. Thanks again! http://kelleyward.hubpages.com/_3u47dtkr7xqut/hub/Parenting-Boys-What-Boys-Need-From-Moms

    1. Kelley, You wrote an amazing post!!! Your boys are beautiful and they are lucky to have you there for them giving them everything they need. I can only hope to be able to give my little boy all of those things. Thank you. -Lisa

  78. Beautiful and Sweet

  79. For my son, I wish you to learn all these lessons and more. You are my dearest heart. I found love when I was given you

  80. 101. hey kid, your mom’s the best on earth

  81. Well said! To #4 I would add pussy willow puffs!

  82. Saskia (from Holland) Avatar
    Saskia (from Holland)

    Very beautifull, made me laugh and alsmost cry! Gonna give it to my son too and guess what….my daughters name is Lisa…..:-)

  83. That was GORGEOUS!!! I loved every word, I am now pregnant with a boy and I just loved the words you spoke to your son. I think that it’s important.

  84. Very touching! Very well written.

  85. Hello Lisa,
    I have 4 boys ranging in ages 30 to 18 and I laughed (very hard) when I read this. I think I have passed on most of your sage advice.
    #2 is so true… I told them there was a tooth fairy but I don’t know who told them about the weeny thief!?!
    #8 is a must, kids need to explore the backyard, the woods, the beach… I still find toy soldiers in the backyard and it makes me heart go pitter patter.
    #15 that and if there’s something you have to hide from me, you know deep down it’s NOT good!
    #18 – they know how to do it but actually doing it is another story – except laundry, cuz they tell me: *maaaa, don’t hang my jeans outside, it makes them stiff!*
    #19 I told them NOT to call me until they have been to the hospital and have been treated cuz there is nothing I can do but worry and don’t start the phone call with *there’s been an accident* but with *I’m ok but the car is in the ditch* – which has happened twice to the same child.
    #23 yes be a protector, but don’t put your life in danger – as the oldest one once did pursuing a knife wielding crazy person – or at least make sure backup is on the way.
    #24 take the road less traveled but take your gps 😉
    #25 and yes, you can ALWAYS come home, no matter what, no matter why.
    A mother’s heart is a very deep vase at the bottom of which is always forgiveness. (I like this version of the saying, translated from French, because an abyss is not a pretty picture 🙂

    1. Evie! I love this! Thank you!!!! Lisa

  86. I actually teared up while reading this! This was so sweet and true. It makes reality all too real!!

  87. Permission to share this on my blog, with full credit to you ? 🙂


    I have three boys under 5…I can’t wait to share this with them too haha

    1. Absolutely. Thanks!!

  88. Yes… I am teary 🙂 and of all nights, tonight I needed to read this. I love it. Do you think they have any idea how much we absolutely, t-totally adore them?
    Thanks for sharing 🙂

  89. […] ago. I love her writing and honesty on life as a mom. One of my favorite posts she wrote is “25 Things I Want My Son To Know.” I completely agree with all of these things and couldn’t have said it better myself. […]

  90. I seriously laughed and cried to this post and also the 25 things you want your daughter to know. I have an 8 year old daughter and a 4 year old son and I can really relate. I will definitely be sharing your posts. 🙂

  91. This is beautiful.

  92. Completely enjoyed this. I’m currently potty training my 2.5 y/o and have told him about having the rest of his life to play with his penis many, many times. Also, a couple of days ago he picked out a new toothbrush… pink with Tinkerbell on it 🙂

    1. Thanks Melanie!

  93. An addendum to #25… “or I will come get you and bring you home if need be.”
    I LOVE this.

    1. Agreed!!!!

  94. Hi Mom,

    As a former boy, and the father of one boy, and one daughter, thanks for the heart opening post. No need to let go of the penis though unless holding on interferes with fielding ground balls. Mike

    1. Thank you and ha ha ha. -Lisa

  95. these are wonderful, they made me cry…i don’t have my son anymore, he went to live with God 2 years ago and how i wish he could come home to me…treasure your children, they are a gift, every day is irreplacable.

    1. Wendy, Thank you for your kind words. God bless you. ♥ Lisa

  96. Hi Lisa, I’m a spoken word artiste and I so love your work. I was wondering if I could make a few changes and perform it on a open mic night.. Yes I would credit you as well.. Very powerful words indeed..

    1. Sounds great! Let me know how it goes!

  97. Great list! Made me cry 🙂 I have a #26 though: Remember that women are people, and never objectify them.

  98. Wonderful post! I love this! They grow up so fast…

  99. I love this. My son is just over a year old and I think every day, all day, about all the things I want to continue telling him! A wonderful, thoughtful and loving post.


  100. Wow ! I shed a couple of tears, this is beyond awesome !

  101. you should make frames or posters of this !! i would so buy it 🙂

  102. Thank you for sharing this, words I thought but never put on paper. Amazing… Permission to repost ?

    1. Thanks Lyndi. Absolutely!

  103. Thank you Lisa! You have humbled me and made me cry. Now I am going to thank GOD for the 2 amazing gifts he has blessed me with. Gad and Judah

  104. […] 25 Things I Want My Son (Daughter) to Know.  […]

  105. i’m new to your site and i absolutely LOVE this! i have a 20 month old son named Evan and this is everything i would love for him to know. thank you!

  106. i only made it through #1 and i’m crying so i pinned it to read later. how did you even write this without becoming hysterical????

    1. You are so wonderful! Thank you. If you read #2 you will see that I just tried to make myself laugh!

  107. Hi! I have two troublesome boys myself, and these definitely made me smile! (especially #2, oy vey) However, i have a problem with #6. I agree with the point you’re making – that there will be rules and he will be expected to obey them – but I don’t agree with using the “flour bomb” kids as an example of poor parenting. I know the “flour bomb” mom personally, and it really was an accident. One quick trip to the bathroom and kids can get into all kinds of stuff. Been there, cleaned up that! Kids get into trouble regardless of rules, and that’s where the consequences come into play! Is it really a crime to take a few minutes to stifle your hysteria, or to record the damage before metering out punishment? Obviously she doesn’t record any punishment the kids got, who would do that? That’s a private matter. A flour covered living room, on the other hand, is bizarre enough to share! Sorry to rant, but I get tired of seeing people berate her.

    1. Hi Maria,
      Thanks for the comment. Just to clarify a little…
      I didn’t use the flour bomb as an example of “poor parenting” at all. In fact, I was trying to reiterate the ‘whole boys will be boys’ concept no matter what we teach them! #5 talks about creativity and #6 talks about not destroying the house! I would have probably pulled out my phone to video that as well. After my initial reaction of ‘yikes’…I would have been laughing (hopefully) at the fact my living room was covered in flour. When it’s all said and done, really it’s only flour. Makes for some great memories. :O)

      1. Ah, ok, that you for clarifying. 🙂 After all the hubub, I guess I get a little defensive. They sure said some mean things about a silly video! Thank you for being nromal. 😀

      2. :O) Maria- The video was so funny! People criticize everything. You can say ‘I love you’ and people will find a way to make you feel bad about it. Weird! Anyhow, I understand your defense and wish you all the best!

  108. This is wonderful. I am repinning on Pinterest. I’d add ear to #4. We’ve been to the emergency room to remove popcorn.

  109. […] requests for a frameable print of my popular blog posts: 25 Things I want My Daughter to Know and 25 Things I want My Son to Know – I’ve finally created them!  I am so excited!  With the help of dRE from Solid Art […]

  110. […] I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t been living my ideal ranch life lately.   I’ve been spending an inordinate amount of time in the car and on the computer, rather than my horse.  As a result, I’ve been stumbling around on the ubiquitous website Pinterest.  The majority of the images are absorbingly lovely and the creative ideas that proliferate there are inspiring.  Amidst my internet procrastination research I discovered this blog, Mommy OM, and these loving, humorous, and insightful posts. […]

  111. I loved these posts, they resonated with me. Please, let me know if the link on my blog is a problem. Thank you!

  112. I love them all especially #2 and #15, they made me laugh so hard 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  113. This almost brought me to tears!!! All these things are true like they came from my heart. Thank you so much for putting my feelings into words

  114. […] I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t been living my ideal ranch life lately.   I’ve been spending an inordinate amount of time in the car and on the computer, rather than my horse.  As a result, I’ve been stumbling around on the ubiquitous website Pinterest.  The majority of the images are absorbingly lovely and the creative ideas that proliferate there are inspiring.  Amidst my internet procrastination research I discovered this blog, Mommy OM, and these loving, humorous, and insightful posts. […]

  115. I could not agree with you more on everything. Except the finger -in-your-nose thing… Note to you – We’re parents. These little monsters will turn in great human beings – perhaps despite us, rather than because of us.
    They don’t come with rule books.

    1. Ha ha ha! So true!

  116. Great post Lisa! Thanks again and hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend with your kiddos. I see you and I have FFT in common, so nice to meet you!

    1. SOME of them will remain monsters OR turn into to great human beings……….in spite of what we do or “because of us.” Like GHS says……”they don’t come with rule books.”

  117. […] even if it is through the internet. Anyway she recently did a giveaway of one of her posts about 25 Things I want My Son To Know, one of my favorite posts she’s written. It was really easy to enter, all I had to do was […]

  118. Amazing and Fantastic! I so love it..Permission to repost please??

    1. Absolutely! Thanks!

  119. I love this,i hv a cute-loving son he is 9months..i would need more information on raising a child

  120. omg im so in love with this because its so true everything i want my little man to always know! permission to repost???

      1. thank you so much! just starting out blogging and im loving it so much. i love everything you write! 🙂

  121. Reblogged this on samanthameisner and commented:
    Found this on Mommy OM’s page and just fell in love with it, all rights are hers 🙂

  122. First of all this is amazing!!! I have 13 and 10 year old boys, and this is exactly the way I have raised them so far!!! Thank you so much for saying what I have been trying to teach them. I love it

  123. Meaghan Guzman Avatar
    Meaghan Guzman

    This is amazing!!!! Love every part!!!

  124. […] 25 things i want my son to know | Mommy OM. This entry was posted in Börn og uppeldi, Uncategorized by admin. Bookmark the permalink. […]

  125. […] This post makes me all sniffly, sappy, and sentimental. Read it, with a tissue. […]

  126. I love this! i’m going to be a mom for a baby boy soon and i would want him to know this!

  127. This was so beautiful. I understand every single word having a 2 year old boy myself. Wonderfully written!

  128. Wonderful read, thank you! Totally disagree with 4) though – I was picking my nose while reading it 😉

  129. love love love every bit of this and agree totally. my son is 5 months and have much to come. thanks for this.

  130. Love this, thank you for sharing! i totally love the last one!! 🙂

  131. This is written based off a post on the blog diapers and daisies. Reworded.

    1. I mean team studer.

      1. Hi Anonymous,

        I’m sorry to say that I’ve never read either of the blogs that you refer to. I will say though, that this post and the post I wrote to my daughter were both written from MY OWN heart and mind.

        Thanks for reading!


  132. […] I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t been living my ideal ranch life lately.   I’ve been spending an inordinate amount of time in the car and on the computer, rather than my horse.  As a result, I’ve been stumbling around on the ubiquitous website Pinterest.  The majority of the images are absorbingly lovely and the creative ideas that proliferate there are inspiring.  Amidst my internet procrastinationresearch I discovered this blog, Mommy OM, and these loving, humorous, and insightful posts. […]

  133. Last one made me cry.

  134. Reblogged this on Right Down My Alley and commented:
    Add your thoughts here… (optional)

  135. […] . The honesty and love made me laugh and brought me to tears. I definitely want my son to know all 25 things. Many items on the list hit so incredibly close to home, it’s uncanny. I thought I would […]

  136. Hi- I love these!!! May I use some of them?

  137. This made me cry! And I dont even have kids! Will be saving this for someday.

  138. Beautiful letter!

    1. Thank you!

  139. this is beautiful, made me tear up!! such an amazing mommy!

  140. How beautiful! My son is 29 years old and those feelings just get stronger!

  141. Found this on pinterest and just have to say, thanks a stinkin’ lot. Sitting here have a nice cup of coffee and now I’m crying in my cup. I have 3 (!) boys and I love this, bookmarking it, showing it to my husband and then giving these words to my sons. My favorites were the last one (of course) and the second one (good to know it’s not just my boys, but really….why must they do it? why? WHY?!) Thank you for this. 🙂

  142. I love this! I wish I could be this great with my words.

  143. I love everything about this, except the part about “until he takes a wife”. I love my son but I don’t want to be crazy woman in his life. I want him to be happy with his wife.

  144. I have a 15 year old son, and a 2 year old son (two daughters also!) I love this so much. Time goes way too fast, and we need to let them know how much we love them and that they have so much capability and importance, they can be whatever they want to be in life! Thanks for sharing.

  145. I love this letter so so much… my tears simply cant control itself… Really meaningful…will share it with my friends and family. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

  146. I don’t have kids and this brought tears to my eyes. Amazing. LOVE IT.

  147. Have you ever considered publishing an e-book or guest authoring on other websites?
    I have a blog centered on the same ideas you discuss and would really like to have
    you share some stories/information. I know my readers would appreciate your work.

    If you are even remotely interested, feel free to shoot me an e mail.

  148. Tnx,am so happy gettn dis for my 11yrs old son

  149. Beautiful !

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  151. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Could I please have permission to repost on FB?

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  153. […] 25 things i want my son to know | Mommy OM – I am writing this post for my son. He is only three years-old, but he is growing so fast. Much of what I wrote to my daughter in the 25 Things I want My Daughter to …… […]

  154. […] File Name : 25 things i want my son to know | mommy om Source : newhealthom.com Download : 25 things i want my son to know | mommy om […]

  155. […] 25 things i want my son to know | mommy om […]

  156. […] 25 things i want my son to know | mommy om […]

  157. I have two sons…one is 38 and the other is 29…One is in banking the other an artist…..What wise words to give him…You are an old soul…wise beyond your years

  158. Robert Frost was actually advising against taking the road less travelled…

  159. Who is that in the second photo? is that your son?

  160. I love this. I am writing to ask permission to use part of this in a letter to my grown son. He is in the Marines and getting ready to have his first child (a little boy😀). This hit home for me on a lot of levels. Lol I cried from the start to the finish.
    Thank you for writing it.

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I’m Lisa, the creator and author behind this blog and the book, Mommy is Tired. I’m a mom of three and I’m about to take a nap.

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